Bank Ratings

IDC’s Bank and Bank Holding Company Ratings are available through our ONLINE PORTAL with various purchase options to choose from.

IDC analyzes and ranks the quality of all commercial banks reporting to the FDIC and bank holding companies reporting to the Federal Reserve. Every quarter since 1985, we have assessed each institution's strengths and weaknesses using our proprietary "CAMEL" analysis

The evaluation process identifies several financial ratios, assigns a weight factor to each based on its relative importance to the health of the institution, and then combines the overall view into a numeric summary rating. Ratings range from 1 (the lowest) to 300 (the highest). This is an invaluable diagnostic tool and reference for financial professionals.

Banks and holding companies can be searched by name, state, or institution ID number and sorted by name, city, or state. Affiliated institutions are listed on the alongside the CAMEL analysis of the institution queried. With a paid subscription, locked information would become visible. VIEW SAMPLE INSTITUTION